12 August 2009

So if anybody calls, just tell them we're dead!

I am starting an online journal. It is a strange thing to do. Foucault – grand fucking master of sociology – says that journals are a technique of the self, a method through which individuals reconfigure discourse/available cultural information in order to bring coherence and clarity to their experiences – to form a meta-narrative of self. And he's fucking FOUCAULT. So I'm going to listen to him.

But this clearly isn't just for me, if it were I'd write it on paper or in .txt files and store it on a super-secure HDD in my closet. Anyway, It seems the dead bald guy is right, because I guess I am using it for day-to-day coherence. Only because so many go by without me knowing what I did, it's pretty scary actually. Maybe I have early-onset alzheimer's.

I used to do this when I was younger - my livejournal stopped getting serious attention, though, about three years ago. So I'm back again, to the internet.

I'm not sure that I'm self-indulgent enough for this any more, though.

And I bet this comes back, in some way, to make me feel idiotic...
...maybe I should really get on changing my profile picture and 'First Name/Last Name' on here.

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